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SPG Block for Headaches and Migraines: How Does it Work?

Balance Epigenetic Orthodontics - November 27, 2019 - 0 comments

Nearly half of all Americans experience some forms of headaches, making it one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. As it turns out, migraines and headaches are also very prevalent among people suffering from temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, disorders.

Sphenopalatine ganglion block, also known as SPG block, has emerged as one of the best treatments for chronic migraines and headaches. This minimally invasive treatment guarantees immediate relief from debilitating pain and has become the preferred treatment method for most doctors and their patients. But what exactly is the underlying mechanism behind the effectiveness of SPG block for TMJ disorders and the ensuing migraines and headaches?

How the SPG Block Procedure Works

The sphenopalatine ganglion block has become quite popular thanks to its low-risk and minimally invasive nature. The procedure is generally performed in one of three ways.

The transnasal technique is by far the least invasive and simplest procedure of the three. The procedure involves using a cotton swab saturated in lidocaine or another local anesthetic. A catheter is gently placed into one nostril and numbing medication is dispersed through the catheter. It only takes 10 to 20 seconds to complete. Afterward you just lie down and relax for about 15 minutes and then you are free to go home and return to your daily life with no downtime needed. This procedure is quite effective and is a great option for those who don’t want an injection.

The lateral technique is a little more invasive but can sometimes be more accurate compared to the transnasal technique. In this method, the anesthetics are injected into the SPG through the jaw joint.

Finally, there is the greater palatine foramen technique in which the medication is injected through the roof of the mouth through the greater palatine foramen. The greater palatine foramen is a small opening for the greater palatine nerve and the descending palatine vessels. Patients have to undergo sedation in this method, and there is a minimal risk of tissue or nerve damage at the injection site, which does not occur with the transnasal approach.

If you’re suffering from migraines in Seattle or the surrounding areas, you can contact Dr. Buck for an SPG block procedure to get immediate relief from your symptoms. The procedure is brief, easy, safe and can last up to three months. Schedule a visit or contact us at 425-409-2291 to get started.